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Dear Colleagues,

I send our sisterhood and respect to those of you in various parts of the world who are fighting for the protection of and development in women’s human rights and its peaceful stability.

It has been over twenty years since we have worked together in our attempt to make this world a peaceful place for us as well as for our future generations. Based on your support and solidarity, survivors of Japanese military sexual slavery have slowly come out of the horrendous pain inflicted by the war. Further, the international community has paid more attention to the sexual slavery issue and state organized violence against women. I strongly believe these efforts will make the world better for our daughters.

However, before we think of the future, I cannot help thinking of the unrealized justice for the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery! For this reason, we are preparing another international solidarity action. From the 22nd of Oct in 2012, the Universal Periodic Review will be held for the purpose of requesting the Japanese government to resolve human rights violations after the UNHRC examines and discusses the human rights report submitted by the Japanese government. The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (The Korean Council) has already sent its report to the UNHRC, which included the fact that the dignity of the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery has not yet been restored (See Appendix). In addition, we are requesting Troika member countries and members of the UNHRC to support this issue and deliver a statement in solidarity.

In relation to the above, we would like to request you to also take part in our solidarity action. Please lobby the embassies of UNHRC member nations’ for the following purpose: During the UNHRC’s review period of the regular report on the state of human rights in Japan, we submitted reports and resolutions many times for international organizations such as the United Nations and the International Labor Organization Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (the ILO CEACR). Despite this, justice for the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery has not been actualized and their average age is now in the late 80s and early 90s. In consideration of these facts, we request UNHRC member nations to urge the Japanese government to deliver an official apology, pay legal compensation, and restore the dignity of the victims whose human rights were violated. (The Korean Council’s document for lobby will be sent you soon for your reference)

Further, the Korean Council has conducted an e-petition campaign demanding a UN resolution on the issue of Japanese military sexual slavery through the Avaaz community website in cooperation with the Women’s Global Solidarity Action Network. The petition will be delivered to the members of the United Nations General Assembly and almost 80,000 people across the world have already signed this petition. Please, share this petition with each organization in each region and country as well as with individuals.

Please visit the petition website here:


I sincerely hope that you join our solidarity action. From the start of your participation, I hope that we can set an important precedent in terms of ending violence against women in war.

Thank you,

Yoon, Mee-Hyang,

The Representative

The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan